The Triumphal Entry — An important event in the Gospels, where Jesus rides into Jerusalem on a donkey during Passover. The event symbolizes his messiahship and kingship. It also kicks off the section known as the passion narrative. In Christianity, the Triumphal Entry is remembered during Easter.
The Triumphal Entry in The Gospels
The Triumphal Entry can be found in all four Gospels: Luke 19:28-44, Matthew 21:1-11, John 12:12-19, and Mark 11:1-11. In each Gospel, Jesus asks his disciples to collect a donkey for him. He then rides it into Jerusalem, where a crowd welcomes him. In the story, the people and his disciples declare him to be the king of Israel. Though the religious leaders find this troubling, Jesus refuses to silence his followers.
The Symbolism of The Donkey
It is widely accepted that Jesus chose to ride a donkey into Jerusalem for symbolic reasons. He didn’t pick one up because he was tired. In the Jewish culture of the day, the donkey contained a vast amount of Biblical, prophetic, and political meaning. Consequently, the donkey was more of a statement than a means of transportation.

Triumphal Entry and the Kings of Israel
In the Old Testament, donkeys are associated with both royalty and humility before God. In Deuteronomy 17:16, the kings of Israel are forbidden from amassing horses. It suggested in the Bible that the prohibition was designed to force the kings to rely on God’s power instead of their own (Psalms 20:7). Consequently, the donkey became a cultural symbol of kingship and reliance on God.
See: Why Did Jesus Ride a Donkey Into Jerusalem? for more information.
All of the Gospels explain the symbolism of the donkey through the prophet Zechariah. Their explanation is, in essence, the same as the one presented above. They declare Jesus’ kingship and humility. However, instead of connecting Jesus to the symbolism of the kings, they link him to the prophesied king to come.
“Daughter Jerusalem! See, your king comes to you, righteous and victorious, lowly and riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey.”
Zechariah 9:9
Articles About the Triumphal Entry
Why Did Jesus Ride a Donkey Into Jerusalem? (This article analyzes the Biblical historical and prophetic traditions behind the symbolism of the donkey.)
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