Below are quotations about Love from the writings of the Church Fathers. Love is a central virtue in Christian morality. From it spring all of the other goods and laws. Because it is the starting point, love is a very deep and important concept in Christian ethics. The church fathers were aware of this and spent a lot of time contemplating the mysteries of love.
The Apostolic Fathers
The Didache
There are two ways, one of life and one of death, but a great difference between the two ways. The way of life, then, is this: First, you shall love God who made you; second, love your neighbor as yourself, and do not do to another what you would not want done to you. And of these sayings the teaching is this: Bless those who curse you, and pray for your enemies, and fast for those who persecute you. For what reward is there for loving those who love you? Do not the Gentiles do the same? But love those who hate you, and you shall not have an enemy.
Chapter 1
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