When people think about Elvis Presley, faith is generally not something that is associated with the King of Rock. Typically, things like bright white outfits, tasseled sleeves, big hair, big shows, and classic hits are the kinds of things that are connected to his name. However, people are a complicated kind of being; rarely, if ever, do our public images tell the whole story. Much like a box of chocolates, our sweet outer coatings of Chocolatey goodness only hide the unique and surprising flavors that make up our core.
Elvis And Prayer
Recently, The Guardian [1] published an article about the personal religious life of Elvis Presley. The article is based on an interview Elvis’s stepbrother, Billy Stanley, did after the star’s death. During the interview, Stanley told a reporter that Elvis had a habit of praying before he got on stage.
“It was probably about 15 seconds long. I asked him once, ‘Why do you say the prayer before?’ He said: ‘It kind of settles my nerves but also I want God to help bless this concert, so make it a good one.’”
The Guardian
Stanly went on to say that Elvis “always turned to God whenever he needed help.”
Before reading the Guardian’s article, I had no idea Elvis had a prayer life or that he was a spiritual person, for that matter. Yet, according to the people around him, religion and God held a special place in his life and heart.
Stories like this serve as a beautiful reminder that God is everywhere. Although it can sometimes feel as if we, as Christians, are just a tiny light surrounded by an endless night. In truth, followers of Christ are all over the world. Every day Christians can be found praying in the hallowed halls of cathedrals, climbing atop remote mountains, huddling together for warmth on the streets, and even singing Blue Suede Shoes under the hot spotlight.

Elvis’s Struggle
Even though Elvis was a believer, this does not mean he was a model Christian. Unfortunately, his faith story is a good illustration of the complexity and tragedy of the human condition.
The success Elvis enjoyed came with its own set of unique spiritual challenges. Wealth and influence open the doors to many beautiful things. However, at the same time, they also open the door to less than wonderful activities. As the Guardian notes, “Presley struggled with addiction and his playboy image.”
In the movie Spider-Man, there is a very emotional scene where a dying Uncle Ben tells a young Peter Parker to be careful with his newfound power. With his dying breath, the beloved father figure tells the crying superhero that “with great power comes great responsibility.” This quote is often cited as a warning for people who wield power. And…. Although this is the literal meaning of the quote. Uncle Ben’s wisdom can also apply to situations like the one in which Elvis found himself.
With every sliver of power Elvis acquired, greater spiritual responsibility was demanded. Combatting sin while possessing wealth and influence requires a level of spiritual maturity few have. This is one of the reasons why in Mark 10:25, Jesus said,
“It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.”
Mark 10:25
Elvis Presley’s Faith In Isolation
Sin aside, stardom also comes with a unique kind of loneliness. In the article, Stanley says Elvis did not attend church with the family and struggled to find a religious community. Elvis once told his stepbrother, “I’m afraid if I go in, people will pay more attention to me than the preacher.” Whether or not his fear was accurate, it illustrates the mental and physical isolation many famous individuals live with.
We are all made in the image of a relational God. Consequently, community is an essential part of our spiritual health. Being surrounded by people who understand you and the things you are dealing with is a comfort and help we all need.
Final thoughts
I’m not sure if Elvis died as a believer or the extent of his faith. However, I’m very grateful that he and his family were willing to share his story. Elvis was a larger-than-life kind of person who inspired millions of people all over the world. Although Elvis Presley’s faith was not perfect, the fact that he was a believer who prayed regularly is inspiring. Stories like this remind me never to judge a book by its cover and that God is always at work in ways I would never expect or imagine.